Wednesday, February 26, 2014

MAS at a loss, again

How long will MAS milk the country's coffers? For far too long, mismanagement has ruled in the company. The blatant misappropriation of funds has once again showed it's ugly head as the company declares a loss much to the expenses to tax payers.

How many GLCs have mismanaged funds allocated to them? All these companies know that they can mismanage funds and report losses because:

1. Nothing ever happens to them
2. BN will always bail them out.
3. They can always ask for more allocations with a supposedly great turn-around plan

I also want to be a CEO of a GLC. No need to do anything. Just change contracts to line pockets of family and friends. Then when loss, blame others and the economy.

How will MAS turn itself around? It has to replace part of it's aging fleet, it has to compete against low cost carriers, it has to manage funds properly, award exorbitant contracts to certain people,  amongst others.

The major problem with MAS is that they remain traditional, leveraging on ways of the old that are no longer relevant and have to execute certain decisions made by others for the benefit of cronies. 

On top of that, they are not competitive. Not competitive at all. Screw what the media says. We all know that media is just a one-sided voice box and most people read them to laugh at reporters. 

If I was MAS' CEO, I would just limit my menus, cut certain items off existing menus, cut deals with travel sites and focus more on creating a digital presence rather than spending millions to advertise in papers. I would also concentrate on more inbound travel and cutting deals with local businesses to cater for tourists.
And I would fire the existing ad agencies.

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