Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Of Petrol Hikes and Government Payouts

As of midnight today, the Malaysian government had decided to raise the prices both RON95 and diesel by RM0.20. This, according to esteemed enlighten leader Najib Razak, will save the Government RM3.3 billion yearly. More and more Malaysians are getting more and more pissed off with the BN led government. 

Simple reason to be pissed off with the BN government:

1. Public transportation is shit. The Government has pledged RM4.4 billion (I think) to improve public transportation but nothing is seen. PEMANDU (the national drivers association led by inglorious Idris Jala) has published that the Government has met all its NKRAs or whatever the score card is with flying colours and if you look really closely, you can also see unicorns. 

2. Higher BR1M handouts. How will this help the nation? Middle income are now stuck in the trap that glorious, enlightened leader Najib Razak has promised to NOT let happen. BR1M is given to those earning less than RM3,000. How does giving higher BR1M help ease the burden of the fuel hike? 

3. More motorcyclists on the road. By increasing the price of petrol, more and more consumers will switch to riding motorbikes. Why? It uses less fuel and OMG!!!! it is cheaper to maintain. I foresee more motorcyclist deaths this year and next. 

4. Inflation. Already the people are suffering to make ends meet, especially those in the middle income group, earning above RM3,000. I foresee prices of items increasing. Prepared to pay RM2.20 for Milo Ais?

     Lets talk about single people - yes, it is a matter of adjusting their lifestyles. No more eating out very     
     often, cutting down on clubbing, cutting down on shopping. Hmmm...by cutting down, how will it help 
     lower inflation?

     Lets talk married people - education is Malaysia is still kinda shitty. Parents depend on tuition classes to 
     help their kids excel. Also, since mainly both parents work, tuition classes help keep their kids off the 
     streets and mixing with bad hats. Now, in order to provide their children the best, they will cut down on 
     spending on the non-essential items. Again, how will not spending help ease inflation?

5. Deteriorating growth prospects. Did you know that the Ringgit has dropped nearly 10% this year. BNM has cut its full-year growth forecast to 4.5 - 5%. What happens when foreign investors start pulling out?

I foresee that in the coming months, everything will rise. From food to logistics. What is running through your head now? Riots? Unrest? Military rule? 

I think that by next week, there will be some arrests to cover the small fires of unrest. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Enhancing CBC offerings to the public.

MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) established its 1Malaysia Community Broadband Centres (CBC) to provide collective community Internet access to underserved areas identified under the Universal Service Provision (USP) programme. 

Each CBC is equipped with IT equipment including personal computers connected to the Internet via broadband to allow rural communities to enjoy the benefits of the Internet as enjoyed by those living in urban areas. It is hoped that the CBC will contribute towards achieving success in national initiatives to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural communities.

Under the USP programme, MCMC has established:

1. CBC
2. Mini Community Broadband Centres (Mini CBC)
3. 1Malaysia Community Broadband Libraries (CBL)
4. Kampung Tanpa Wayar 1Malaysia (KTW) - Wireless Villages

These initiatives are great but I see it as a white elephant. At this point in time, many of these CBCs are under-utilised. It is rather unfortunate that MCMC, with all the best brains (apparently), cannot figure out how to attract the crowd into these centres. Do not let the member figures fool you. Walk into any of these CBCs and you will see wasted space. 

Prior to installing a firewall in these CBCs, the centres were thriving with walk-ins, especially the older folks. Never will you see older men so wanting to learn how to use the internet. They all came for PORN. I kid you not. Notice they do not dare put in usage statistics of the CBCs?

How can MCMC enhance the offering so that it would promote uptake from the public? 

1.      Provide educational content for school-going children
·        Most rural folks do not command the money to send their children for tuition.
·        Work with teachers and remunerate them to provide tuition classes in CBCs.  
·        Now, if they can’t afford it because it will eat into their funds of sending people on holidays, I mean, overseas meetings, then work with the Ministry of Education to provide an online education portal. Setting up of an online currency to reward children who score well on the portal. 

2.     Encourage activities
·        Encourage children to “hang-out” at CBCs by providing them a space to do school work or school projects.
·        Hire an expert on children education to come up with programs or activities to entice children to come to the centre.

3.     Talks and workshops
·        Hold talks and workshops with industry experts and not some JAVA, ORACLE workshop.
·        Seminars on the simple things in life.
·        Bring in speakers that work: How to make a million Ringgit? How to be an online entrepreneur? Etc...
·        Bring in a politician to talk

There are so many ways to attract the population into these centres. If you cannot attract the older crowd, target the younger crowd.

I do not see why MCMC cannot afford to send its staff down to the ground and do promotions and education on the centres. Is it because they are all degree holders and they are too high and mighty to step into rural areas? Is it because it is not an overseas trip to some conference in Europe? I am guessing, there is no budget for such things because it is all allocated for trips.

Look at it this way, if you can’t even attract and retain customers to your own CBCs, why talk about it as a success overseas?

I like how the Government, in their advertising, shows fishermen and farmers using laptops and all these advanced gadgets. I love how they have painted this fantasy to everyone.

Let’s look at the reality of things. Urbanites are trying to save money to get a laptop....now think about the farmers and fishermen? Do you think they have enough disposable income to waste on a laptop?