Sunday, May 26, 2013


Today I "helped" a friend set up an email account.

After setting it up, I wrote him an email titled "Aku rasa aku gay" from his own email account.  


Aku rasa aku gay tapi aku tak tahu. 

Aku tertarik pada perempuan tapi aku suka pandang lelaki. 

Entah lah. Kekadang aku mimpi. Mimpi yang tersangatlah indah. Akan tetapi mimpi-mimpiku semuanya ada lelaki. 

Ada juga hari yang aku ingin memegang tangan. Tak kisah lah tangan lelaki atau perempuan. Janji tangan. 

Mungkin aku gay. Mungkin tidak. 

Aku rasa ini semua inception dari Anwar Ibrahim. 

Mungkin ini inception dari rakan-rakan lelaki sejawatku yang selalu pandang-pandang, jeling-jeling and senyum-senyum padaku.

Adakah ini mimpi? Adakah ini nyata? Adakah aku sebenarnya aku?

Aku bukan gay, aku bukan gay, aku bukan gay. Aku ni LESBIAN!!!!!!!


Terbangunku dari tidur inceptionku. Berpeluh. Basah kuyup. Aku merasa diriku....




The only shame in this is that I do not have his address book. 

Im sure he is changing the password right now. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

You dont know what you are missing

Am I Indian? Am I Dan Lain-Lain (Others)? Am I Malaysian?

I do not know. 

I was told while in school that I am Indian. Then later I was told that I am Dan Lain-Lain.

At least if you are 

1) Malay, you can say I am Malaysian Malay

2) Chinese, you can say I am Malaysian Chinese. 

3) Indian, you can say I am Malaysian Indian. 

It doesn't sound right to say, I am the other Malaysian. Or to keep it in line with the above, I am Malaysian Others. Just doesn't sound right. It sounds cool but it just doesn't sound right. 

I am proud to be Malaysian. I am proud of my mixed parentage Punjabi Chinese. Yes yes, it becomes a notty word when put together. But still proud nonetheless. 

I am sad to see some narrow minded people now harping on the racism card. To me, racism is for the small. It is a tool used by the weak to incite hatred and create chaos among those who have an IQ somewhat lower than that of a thumbtack. 

While Malaysia is peaceful, we will always have racism. Really. Honestly. Take a look around you. You don't even need to take a good careful look. Realise how many tables have a group of people of mixed ethnicity? 


2 maybe? 


More likely.  

How do we promote unity? Or are we already united? Or are we united but divided at the same time? 

I have a group of multi-racial friends that I hang out with. It is a really diversified group. There is a Chinese, an Indian (well, while he is mixed, he is still Indian), a Baba (yes! a Baba! How bloody awesome is that?), a Malay (well, technically he is. I shall not argue with the system and put logic aside) and myself...Dan Lain-Lain. I am sure one of you smart asses will have something to say about this. 

While this jolly group of multi-racial clowns hang out all the time and we are all happy-happy, we are still racist. We are. Really. We call each other names. We call each other a different race. We make racist jokes but its ok. We even gang up on each other. But its okay. We can take it. We are matured enough to laugh at each other and at ourselves. 

Today, the Chinese chap was called a yellow tart. His reply was, "Of course lah yellow! I cant be any other colour can I? And its Sexy Yellow Tart ok!" 


I am blessed to have this group of friends. Together, we make the League of Really Super Heroes. Actually we are everything but heroic. 

Because of them, I learned about other cultures and religion. The debates we have contain view points from different cultures and heritage. It is fulfilling to have these friends. 

If you have never hanged out with a person of a different culture or race or colour or whatever, try it. You do not know what you are missing. You do not know what it is like to be truly Malaysian. 

I want to say thank you to you guys for always being there for me. Putting me down when I feel like I am King of the Damn Universe and making me feel like a King when I am down in the pits. You people are tarts of the highest order but you are family to me as well.

Thank you. 

You know who you are.

Bad moon rising

It will be very soon that the people will start to rise up against the Government for the notty things that they have been up to. The arrests of people speaking up to them is one. Fanning the flames of racism is another. The people are tired. The people are getting riled up. The Government itself is orchestrating something that could become like the Arab Spring.  

After winning the 13th General Elections, the Prime Minister decided to say that it was a Chinese tsunami. Personally, it is not a fair statement. It was not only the Chinese that voted in GE13. There was a call for change by the people of Malaysia. 

MCA and Gerakan had lost to DAP for a simple reason - the parties no longer appeal to the Chinese. MCA has never stood up against UMNO when they attacked Chinese schools. Gerakan....well, that party is full of hot air and most of their members (especially one youth leader up north), are high on Nitrous Oxide. 

UMNO had lost because it started playing with fire. There are many ministers who do not fit their roles in their ministry. They lack the proper knowledge and skill to run the ministry. 

MIC.....Personally, I would never vote for MIC. Sorry.

BN itself has lost its appeal to these voters because while they say they are united, they are in fact just listening and saying yes to the leader rather than making decisions together. 

Right after winning the elections, the PM has said that he will be a prime minister to all Malaysians. But his actions so far since winning the GE has shown otherwise. If I were him, I would stop Utusan from spewing racial feces everyday. I would instruct all BN controlled bloggers to say thank you to all Malaysians and to promote racial harmony. I would not clamp down and start arresting people who speak up against the Government. 

Ho hum, it is indeed sad that while the PM shouts of moderation, 1Malaysia and unity, he is allowing all his hard work to go down the drain. 

I was against all these calls for rallies and street gatherings. I wanted proof of all the allegations of fraud, cheating, black outs, white ins, etc before joining the merry band of monkeys in the street. 

It WAS simple for me. Allegations....bring SOLID proof to court. Court throws it out, the people will come out demanding for justice. But the ways its going now, it will not be long before I too will be one of those merry monkeys in the streets.